Friday, 28 September 2012


Gosh doesn’t time fly, already it’s the end of September and I put my hands up to having been rather remiss in my blogging exploits. I’m probably still rather befuddled following my decision to accompany Grumpy and Izzy on a couple of the more adventuresome rides during our trip to Leggoland. Big mistake!

Grumpy hasn’t been forthcoming with his blogs from the allotments either, probably because ‘no news is good news’ and it has to be said this has not been a good year in the fruit and veg department. Every time he comes home it is another tale of woe over what has failed to materialise or just plain rotted out. Now me, I’m ever the optimist and have pointed out to him on several occasions that we haven’t much reason to complain; tomatoes (all sizes catered for) have been in abundance,

raspberries the same (got all my jam done and it is delicious) and today the Raspberry Vodka and Gin will be started; we got enough runner beans for our own consumption and chillies have been frozen down and will do me for the forthcoming 12 months,

so what’s to moan about. OK, what we don’t talk about is the blight and the numerous rows of main crop potatoes he planted!

Now, I wonder if this is a good time to run past him my plans to diversify. Having purchased a second hand spinning wheel and found a willing member of my knitting group to give me instruction on this ancient art, I feel an Alpaca would be a welcome member to our family!

Maybe not! Many years ago, however, we had a Newfoundland dog named Blue who used to shed loads of wonderfully soft fur and apparently this can be spun into wool. Must ask pesky mutts Daisy and Dora if they fancy a Big Brother Newfy.

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